Friday, November 19, 2010

Running Shoes

Hebrews 12:1 "run with patience the race that is set before us,"

     While this verse speaks of patience, it also speaks of forward progress; run. It takes action to make progress. I cannot sit on my sofa and see progress in my weight loss. I must DO something. The key is NOT to be discouraged when I don't make as much progress as I want to make. Progress IS still progress.
     While in this war on weight we must realize that we will not always have the victories we want to see, but it is important to note that progress has been made. We should realize that though we didn't lose fifteen pounds by our designated goal we have still made progress. We then must be ready to get focused and ready to take it to the next level. Maybe we have not exercised as much as we should, or we've had one to many unhealthy snacks. This is where stepping back and evaluating the past week, two weeks, etc. is very important. I find myself on Mondays looking back and asking myself "What did I do that helped me lose weight?", and "What did I do that hindered me from reaching my weight loss goal?"

   I have had one person contact me and challenge me to have a plan for Thanksgiving. I appreciate the note and I will be posting my plan Monday or Tuesday. Get yours ready. I want to encourage everyone to be willing to share your plan with the rest of us. Don't keep those weight loss secrets away from everyone, after all we are ALL in this war TOGETHER.

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