Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Made it Back!!

     I had to take a small break from blogging because I had to go to Arkansas. There was not a good Internet connection where I was. I did try to blog at least once, via my cell phone, but that looked like jumble. So I didn't try again. Holly and her family laid her granddad to rest this past week. It was a precious memorial service. Please pray for Holly's family.

     We were going to be back Sunday night, but after 2 hours of driving, the car broke down and we were stranded. We called my father in law who came and helped, but we still had to wait until Monday for my dad to rent a U-Haul car hauler and tow the car back to TN. Oh, yeah here's the funny part. We were driving my dad's car because was still, and STILL is, in the shop! What a week end. We made it home yesterday at about 3:00 A.M. I was pretty tired, that's why I didn't post yesterday.

     I stepped on the scale when I got back from Arkansas and I weighed in at 367.5. I am supposed to be down to 360 by this Sunday. I have about 7.5 pounds to lose to reach my goal. I truly believe that if I focus that I will be able to reach the goal. I will be trying to get back into an exercise routine and eating healthier.  It takes a lot of hard work, but I am convinced that this thing can be won!

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