Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Complete Obedience

Genesis 22:3 - "And Abraham rose up early in the morning, and saddled his ass, and took two of his young men with him, and Isaac his son, and clave the wood for the burnt offering, and rose up, and went unto the place of which God had told him."

     Oh the pain, the fear, the torment deep within, the trust, the obedience. Abraham was up at the crack of dawn with one thing on his mind. He had a goal to accomplish, a place to get to, words to obey, he was focused. What was this mission he was on? To sacrifice his only son, Isaac. We have the privilege to look back and see that because Abraham obeyed God, even when it didn't seem "logical", Isaac was spared and Abraham was blessed. I can't imagine what I would do if God asked me to offer Corban, my son. What would I do if God asked me to give up something that precious? With God's Supernatural strength I hope I would be obedient as Abraham was.

     While God has not asked for my son, He has asked me to give up something to which I have been clinging to; food. I have run to food when I have been discouraged, when I have been celebrating a victory, when I have watched t.v., when I have been hungry, when I have been nervous, do you get the point? I ran to food ALL the time. I have just recently realized that food has been my god! Yes, I have not run to God in times of need, but food. I have come to rely on the "power" of comfort food and I am here to tell anyone who is bound by that power that your god of food WILL let you down and leave you full of doubt and, ironically, discouragement. ONLY the true and living God can free us from the bondage of food. So, today I renounce my obedience to food and commit to obey God even if starvation is the result. GOD IS FIRST.

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